Detective Toggle: Yes, this appears to be another case for those renegade Plunger Boys. These derelicts formed when they, as former sewer workers, attempted to unionize and were flushed wholesale before they could.
Reporter Porcelain: How exactly can you be so sure Detective?
Toggle: Well, look, when we see that distinctive circular red, or, on occasion, black mark. It measures exactly 4.5 inches and looks well, angry. In this case it’s black, known as the Kiss of Overflow. They physically assault others with their tools of the trade.
The Porce: Why either red or black kisses, so to speak?
Toggle: Rival gangs. The Plunger Boys are the more conservative, profit-minded plumbers as they were assigned below the Wall Street District. Their distinctive marking is just a few but strong black rings, parodying how healthy stock jumps. Now, we have another rival gang known as The Manhattan Clogject. Their calling card consists of many but moderate red rings. That stands to reason as ‘Hattan is known as Red Brick City. There is however an up and coming, rising, rising, rising gang known as the Long Handles. We’ve interviewed victims who were assaulted by them. Theirs is more of fright inducement, just for thrills. They force the victims down on their backs and then they proceed to slowly roll the plunger handle up and down the person’s upper torso to just below the jaw. With each roll northward they bring the cup on the side closer and closer to the face. First, 6 inches away, then 4, then, near panic as it nearly busses the cheek. And it works, though they just want to express their frustration, the public gives them anything to just escape. But I put the public at ease, posters of these gang members are in all the hardware stores. Unlimited plumbing after hour calls for any information submitted…
Porce: Thank You Officer Toggle, like your Handle!
deep, very deep and repetitive
you’re more than welcome!…just keep plunging…!